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Writer's pictureLife Coach Vjohn

Why Surrounding Yourself with the Right People Matters

The Right People Make All the Difference: Why Your Circle Matters

We've all heard it before: "you are the company you keep." But this isn't just some saying – there’s proof of it being a valid statement, and we don’t need to look far for it. The people you surround yourself with truly have a big impact on your life, and it often predicts the trajectory of your life. 

Think of it like this: Imagine you're training for a marathon. You could train alone, but would you be as motivated? Probably not. Now imagine training with someone who complains the entire time. Not exactly inspiring, right?

The same goes for your career. The right people are your cheerleaders, collaborators, and even mentors. They push you to be your best, celebrate your wins, and believe in your potential.

On the other hand, surrounding yourself with negative people will drain you of your energy. They drag you down and make it harder to achieve your goals.

So, what can you do?

  • Seek out positive people: Look for colleagues who share your work ethic and goals. These are the people who will motivate you and keep you moving forward.

  • Don't be afraid to ditch negativity: It's okay to distance yourself from people who bring you down. Your energy is precious, so invest it wisely.

  • Invest in yourself: When you invest in your well-being, you’re able to set clear goals, intentions, and boundaries for yourself. You know what kind of people you want to associate with, and learn to say no to those that don’t align with your values and lifestyle. 

Remember, your circle of influence shapes who you are. Surround yourself with the right people, and watch your life flourish.

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