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Writer's pictureLife Coach Vjohn

Building Habits That Last

We all have grand visions for ourselves: earning 7-figures in our small business, getting promoted at work, getting 6-pack abs, or mastering the kitchen as a chef or baker. But the road to achieving these goals is often paved with good intentions and…a whole lot of quitting. The culprit? Our struggle to build habits that actually stick.

Let me be the one to tell you that while habits take a while to develop, they aren’t impossible. Creating routines that become second nature is achievable. Here are some key strategies to transform those fleeting intentions into lasting habits:

Start Small and Celebrate Wins:

  • The Bite-Sized Approach: Don't overwhelm yourself trying to overhaul your entire life overnight. Begin with a tiny, achievable habit. Aim for 5 minutes of meditation instead of an hour, or read 10 pages a day instead of a whole book. Small wins are confidence boosters that fuel motivation.

  • The Power of Positive Reinforcement: Acknowledge and celebrate your progress, no matter how small. Treat yourself to a coffee after a successful week of morning workouts, or reward yourself with a relaxing bath after completing a daily language lesson.

Make it Easy and Engaging:

  • Habit Stacking: Pair your new habit with an existing routine. For example, meditate right after making your morning coffee, or do some stretches while waiting for the kettle to boil. This creates a mental connection that makes the new habit easier to remember and perform.

  • Find the Fun: Make your habit enjoyable! Explore different yoga styles, listen to audiobooks while walking, or find a language learning app with interactive games. When a habit is fun, you're more likely to stick with it.

Prime Your Environment and Embrace Forgiveness:

  • Set Yourself Up for Success: Make your desired behavior as easy and accessible as possible. Lay out your workout clothes the night before, keep healthy snacks readily available, or download language learning apps to your phone. Reduce any friction that might prevent you from sticking to your habit.

  • Forgive the Occasional Slip-Up: We all have off days. Don't beat yourself up if you miss a workout or forget to meditate. Acknowledge the setback, recommit to your goal, and move forward. Consistency, not perfection, is key.

The Power of Community and Accountability:

  • Find Your Support System: Tell your friends, family, or a life coach, about your goals. Having a support system can provide encouragement and keep you accountable.

  • Track Your Progress: Seeing your progress visually can be incredibly motivating. Use habit trackers, apps, or even a simple journal to record your achievements. Witnessing your journey can reignite your commitment to your goals.

Building good habits takes time and dedication. But by incorporating these strategies, you can transform fleeting intentions into long-lasting routines that empower you to become the best version of yourself. So, start small, celebrate your wins, and watch your positive habits take root and flourish!

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